Thursday, May 15, 2008

Easy tips to cut down your weight

Weight control tips for breastfeeding women!!

Most of the women who breastfeed their babies may face problem of overweight. If you are one of them you can get rid of such problem. Simply you have to follow healthy eating habit and you can shapeup your body.

You should eat regularly. Incorporate a healthy diet. Eat small meals more frequently. Don’t eat double. Eat a variety of healthy foods during lactation. Different foods give all the vitamins and minerals you and your baby need. Consume five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Eat bread, pasta, rice and potatoes for extra energy. Eat whole grain bread, beans, oats, frozen peas, provide you with plenty of fibers. Apples, pears, citrus fruits, mangoes, figs, and vegetables like corn, parsnips are rich in vitamins and minerals. Foods like lean meat and chicken, fish eggs, beans and lentils, milk, cheese and yogurt are rich in calcium and en linea

You may be confused about how much water you should drink. Drink when you feel thirsty. Check your urine. If it is deep yellow you have to drink more. Water, milk, unsweetened fruit juices and soup are all good choices. Avoid caffeinated beverages when breastfeeding. Use of caffeine can cause irritation and difficulty in sleeping to your child. Also avoid spicy food as it can cause gas problem to your baby. It is best to avoid alcoholic beverages while breastfeeding. It can harm your baby.

You should take the expert advise about nutrition from a certified lactation consultant when you breastfeed your child. This way you can control your weight and give a healthy life to your new born child.

Is Your Child Overweight?—Fast Weight Loss Tips For Overweight Kids
Now-a-days lots of children are suffering from overweight problem. Obese kids who remain heavy through adolescence tend to stay that way in adulthood and there are great chances of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and several cancers among those. It is the duty of parents to give attention to the fitness of their kids.

It is hard to motivate your kids about fitness and exercise, however only you can do it. You have to motivate your kids to eat nourished and balanced diet and to exercise in routine.
Here are some tips that can help you to make your kids fit and fine. First of all make changes in your kid’s diet.

Make analysis of diet of your child. How many snacks your kid eats, how much calories he consume and what is the amount of his servings. Reduce the calories from your child’s diet if he is consuming about 3500 calories per week. Avoid junk foods as they are rich in fats.

Initiate your kid to do exercise daily as it is a best way to stop gaining weight. Workout in routine burns the unnecessary calories and tones the muscles and bones of your kid. Children can get bored easily with monotonous routine exercises. Intiate your kids to join activities such as swimming, basketball and bicycling, swimming, soccer as children would enjoy these games.

Now you need not to worry if you are the parent of an overweight child. Follow these tips to help your child get in shape, eat healthy, and get active.

Never Skip Breakfast to Loose Weight
Most of you think that by skipping breakfast you can burn your fats. But it is absolutely wrong. Breakfast is a fuel that keeps you running throughout the day. Your brain and your nervous system needs glucose to work and this glucose is provided by proper breakfast.

Your metabolic rate is lower in morning and if you skip breakfast you feel short of energy. Your body system tries to convert fat into glucose and you can gain weight. A healthy breakfast gives your metabolism a good start to burn calories fast. Most of you skip breakfast due to lack of time. Here are some quick foods that provide you energy without causing weight gain such as banana with a glass of milk, yogurt with crunch, raisins and peanuts and juices etc.

Breakfast acts as a weapon against overweight. Just think if you don’t eat breakfast then naturally you eat more food at lunch and dinner or you may eat snacks inbetween. This way you are more prone to gain weight. If you take your breakfast you may find your energy level going up and the excess weight coming down. Starting the day with a well-balanced meal that supplies adequate protein, carbohydrate and fiber make you energetic for whole day.
Add cereals in your breakfast to make it healthy. A healthy breakfast also improves your mental health.

If you want to control your weight then avoid skipping breakfast. A healthy breakfast fills you with energy and you can fight with your fatigue and stress throughout the day.

Eat Right Food At Right Time!

Do you know it is your eating habits that shape your figure? What you eat and how much you eat will directly affect your physique and your health. If you consume more calories than you can burn, you will gain weight. Eating a nutritious and balanced diet is far more satisfying than following a restrictive diet that leaves you feeling deprived, hungry, and obsessed with food.

You can get rid of overweight and various other diseases attached with it if you eat right food at right time. Your weight losing capacity depends on calorie burning rate of your body. If you exercise regularly your body can burn calories easily. But if you exercise and lower your caloric intake too much, you will be at loss of your muscles rather than fats. The best way to reduce your weight is eating healthy, low fat and following a routine exercise.

Now, are you thinking what diet you should opt for? Then eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid fast foods, fried and fatty foods. Your diet should include adequate quantities of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals etc. Include salads in your diet. Don’t add sauces and creams to your salad as this make it high in calories.

You can eat baked potatoes as these are great food to help you in losing your weight. To add more taste you can fill baked potatoes with baked beans and cottage cheese. Try not to have too much variety of food for each meal. By adding variety to your food you consume more food and thereby more calories. Always drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Eat your foods at right time.

Now be careful what you add to your diets. Try these ideas and have a well shaped body.

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