Thursday, May 8, 2008


TIPS For Newlyweds…

Have you tied the knot recently? The following tips tell you what to expect in the first few months of married life and how to make them better.

1.Arguments, arguments, and arguments: No matter how long you have known your spouse before marriage, expect some arguments in the beginning, some of which could make you say and do thinks you had never anticipated. This phase is typical and restrain in words and actions is recommended. Trying to judge who is wrong and who is right seldom helps the situation. Instead, acknowledging arguments as a part of your new life together and laughing them off will lighten the situation and make you a "mature couple". Kiss and Make Up works wonders.

2.Notes on relationship: Though your love toward your spouse will multiply after marriage, often attitudes and perspectives change. It is common to become oblivious to the reasons why one loves his/her spouse so much. A novel idea is to write down a list of things you like about your spouse and read it periodically to remind yourself about them. This helps especially after an argument ends. Remember that after marriage your spouse is not the only one who changes. Indeed, you change as much if not more.

3.Old habits die hard: When you start living together, the first 6 months will generate some habits that will be hard to kill in the future. Who takes the trash out and how often, who mows the lawn, who does other chores etc. are habits that are set for life. Both the husband and the wife should be careful not to expect the other to take care of these chores without discussing them. Men should try not to define boundaries like "kitchen is for women" and "TV in the living room is for the guys". Today's times require both the genders to equally share household responsibilities. Soon you will realize that the habits you initially agreed upon are so inculcated in you that you do them willfully.

4.Men in the kitchen: Women love it when men show interest in cooking. Helping out in the kitchen when she least expects it or cooking a full dinner by yourself are some good ideas. Makes your relationship grow.

5.Play together: Indulge in sports like tennis, badminton, jogging and swimming. Playing together allows you to see a different side of your spouse. The camaraderie in the field (when playing with teams) also bolsters your relationship. Playing chess with your opponent works magic.

6.Watch movies together: Ever felt you needed someone to be with you when you watched that tear jerker in high school? Now is the time. Watching movies with your spouse (even those you have seen before) can open new doors to your romance. Try it on the next Saturday evening and notice the mute vibes that you receive. Actions speak louder than words but silence is even "louder".

7.Limits of humor: When in public or in family gatherings, be careful if you humiliate your spouse even if it’s meant to be humorous. People tend to look at you as a couple with a noticeably judgmental attitude when you are newly married. Cracking the wrong jokes about your spouse in front of your boss or relatives could send the wrong signals.

8.Expect the best but prepare for the worst: This applies to pretty much everything in life but more so in marriages. If you have seen those exotic dreams before marriage and if things don't work out that way, keep in mind that both of you are human beings and nobody's perfect. No wife can consistently make the perfect meal and no husband looks continuously interested and enthused in his wife. Temperament is very deceptive and sometimes giving your spouse his/her space is the best thing you can do. Do not read into his/her tone when "I just want to be alone" is uttered. There is a tendency to take such words personally and that can be bad for the relationship. Just watch, don't judge.

9.Listen, listen and listen: After a busy work day sharing your thoughts before hitting the sack is a remembrance of why people do get married. The importance of your husband/wife in your life can sometimes be realized only when he/shes is not there.

Follow these, your married life will sweets like honey, smells like jasmine.....

Newlywed Tips

• Keep romance alive in your marriage.
• Be patient.
• Have fun together.
• Keep your sense of humor.
• Be responsive to one another.
• Listen.
• Discuss family allegiances. Learn about one another's childhood and family history.
• Don't try to please your in-laws all the time. Set boundaries early.
• Make time for one another.
• Share expectations on a regular basis.
• Be realistic.
• Talk about your goals.
• Communicate your thoughts about the roles of a husband and a wife. Negotiate household chores.
• Be respectful of one another. Don't put your spouse down.
• Discuss the myths of marriage.
• Appreciate and understand your differences.
• When you want something, say so.
• Don't expect your spouse to read your mind.
• When necessary, forgive one another.

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