Monday, May 26, 2008

Health Tip

Listen to Your Child's Breathing.

Asthma in children can have many different physical and behavioral symptoms. Paying close attention to your child can help you spot the early warning signs of asthma.

Here's a list of common symptoms, courtesy of the American Lung Association:

* Coughing that is not related to an illness, especially at night.
* Frequently clearing of the throat.
* Irregular breathing.
* Wheezing, even slightly.
* Labored or very loud breathing.
* In some children who are having an asthma attack, the notch just above the Adam's apple sinks in as they breathe.
* Unusual paleness or sweating

Asthma in Children

What makes a child more likely to develop asthma?

There are many risk factors for developing childhood asthma. These include:

* Presence of allergies
* Family history of asthma and/or allergies
* Frequent respiratory infections
* Low birth weight
* Exposure to tobacco smoke before and/or after birth
* Being male
* Being black
* Being raised in a low-income environment

Why are more children getting asthma?

No one really knows why more and more children are developing asthma. Some experts suggest that children are being exposed to more and more allergens such as dust, air pollution, and second-hand smoke. These factors all are triggers of asthma. Others suspect that children are not exposed to enough childhood illnesses to build up their immune system. It appears that a disorder of the immune system where the body fails to make enough protective antibodies may play a role in causing asthma.

And still others suggest that decreasing rates of breastfeeding have prevented important substances of the immune system from being passed on to babies.

How can I tell if my child has asthma?

Signs and symptoms to look for include:

* Frequent coughing spells, which may occur during play, at night, or while laughing. It is important to know that cough may be the only symptom present.
* Less energy during play
* Rapid breathing
* Complaint of chest tightness or chest "hurting"
* Whistling sound (wheezing) when breathing in or out
* See-saw motions (retractions) in the chest from labored breathing
* Shortness of breath, loss of breath
* Tightened neck and chest muscles
* Feelings of weakness or tiredness

Keep in mind that not all children have the same asthma symptoms, and these symptoms can vary from asthma episode to the next episode in the same child. Also note that not all wheezing or coughing is caused by asthma.

In kids under 5 years of age, the most common cause of asthma-like symptoms is upper respiratory viral infections such as the common cold.

If your child has problems breathing, take him or her to the doctor immediately for an evaluation.

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